
Women’s Upliftment

Being a deep believer in the transformative power within each woman, I am committed to amplifying their voices and fostering their leadership.

This passion courses through my life, driving me to champion their fight against social barriers and systemic challenges that hold countless women back. Their stories deserve to be heard, their dreams deserve wings. Uplifting them isn’t just about individual progress–it’s about unlocking the collective power to transform our nation and the world.

The International Women’s Conference (IWC), a unique platform organized by Art of Living that unites exceptional women, holds a special place in my heart for that reason. Since the inception of IWC in 2005, I have moderated numerous inaugural and plenary sessions and had the role of conference moderator on many occasions.

Women from diverse fields–politics, arts, business, media, and academia–come together at IWC. They share inspiring stories, advocate for change, celebrate their impact, and discover tools for personal growth. IWC highlights their selfless service to the world through grassroots activism, entrepreneurship, public policy, and spiritual knowledge.

The IWC is more than a conference; it’s a movement that fosters individual development while empowering collective action.

As I declared in my valedictory address at IWC: “Each one of us knows what to do. We must now make it happen. We must now move on from ‘I can’ to ‘I will’.”

My commitment extends beyond the IWC. From speaking at events like RR Bawa DAV College For Girls to advocating for change on various platforms, I strive to create a ripple effect of empowerment.
